FAQs about the PV Idea Lab talk
1. What are the time and venue of the PV Idea Lab meetings?
Room: 775B Tan Hall
Time: 12:00 - 1:30pm
Please refer to the meeting schedule for more details.
2. What is the recommended format of my presentation?
Meetings of the PV Idea Lab are composed to two short back-to-back research presentations. In order to keep our meetings under an hour, your talk should be 15-20 min long and focused on your most current research results, findings, insights, etc. related to photovoltaics.
Please design your talk to be discussion-oriented and take advantage of the expertise within our exceptional group.
3. What if I don’t have new results (i.e. bad week in the lab, drafting a manuscript, etc.)? What if I don’t work on PV-related research (but am enthusiastic about solar!)?
Don’t sweat it. We encourage you to present on any solar-related topic that will broaden our group’s knowledge in the field. This can be an in-depth analysis of a news article, a market study, a new science article, etc.
There is no restriction on style or topic, except that we ask you to assume the audience is fully informed on the world energy crisis and basic PV fundamentals.
4. What if I have a conflict?
Please contact another scheduled presenter to switch the slot OR a fellow PVIL member to substitute for you. Meanwhile, please cc one of us (Andy, Anna, Danny), so that we can keep the schedule updated on our website.
5. What if I no longer wish to participate in PV Idea Lab?
Please contact Danny. He will help find a replacement speaker for your slot and also remove you from the PV Idea Lab email list.